Wednesday 6 November 2013

Santa's Underwater Parade

With the festive season just around the corner, World Record Diving Malta is planning yet another fund-raising event: Santa’s Underwater Parade 2013!

WRDMalta organised a voting poll, during which the club’s team members nominated each other to dress as various characters related to Christmas. The team will be wearing these costumes during a scuba parade planned for Sunday 22nd December 2013.

WRDMalta would like to invite all divers to come along and participate in the event, as well as any non-divers should they wish to tag along for a laugh. A minimum donation of €5.00 is encouraged, proceeds of which will be donated to L-Istrina 2013. All participants are required to turn up in fancy dress related to Christmas in order to take part in the dive parade. Prizes will be awarded to those voted ‘Best Dressed’ and ‘Best Effort’ as well as raffle prizes courtesy of our sponsors.

The event will take place in Cirkewwa, meeting at 10.00am. Mince pies & Christmas cookies will be available for purchase during the day courtesy of Mik's Cakes & Bakes, proceeds of which will also be donated to L-Istrina.

Let’s make this dive a jolly one! We hope to see you there!!!

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